Avoiding Bad Breath

Avoiding Bad Breath

It is not pleasant to be at a party or function, or even in the workplace, and be talking to someone with bad breath.
You yourself could have bad breath and not know it. This is why we should all take steps to prevent bad breath, otherwise known as halitosis. Everyone thinks their breath is fine and only other people have stinky breath. Not true. 85% of people have halitosis at times. The good news is, it is fairly easy to prevent, just by taking some simple measures.

bad breath solutionsThe first tip is an obvious one — get regular dental checkups and have your teeth cleaned at least once a year, but preferably twice per year. Tooth decay and plaque can contribute to bad breath. Removing that build up of plaque on your teeth and fixing any cavities will result in decreased chance for halitosis. Brushing your teeth frequently also decreases your chances of getting bad breath because you are making sure that food fragments are not residing in the cracks of your teeth.

Now what about your tongue? Do you clean your tongue? From the back to the front, your tongue can be covered in bacteria and yes, you guessed it, this can contribute to bad breath. You can brush your tongue gently with your regular toothbrush or gargle strongly with mouthwash and swish it all around your mouth and tongue.

Even just rinsing your mouth with water after you eat or drink something keeps food particles and bacteria from building up. And water is your friend in other ways. Staying hydrated throughout the day means you are less likely to develop halitosis. When your mouth is dry, less saliva is being produced and saliva is nature’s mouthwash. It fights bacteria and it washes away food particles. So when your mouth is dry, bad breath can take hold. Drink a lot of water especially if you are going to be socializing.

Certain foods lead to bad breath as well. You should avoid spicy foods like garlic and onions. Coffee and other strong drinks can also leave a smell. If you are consuming these things it makes sense to carry mints or gum and use them after consuming spicy foods and strong beverages.

If you are a smoker, you should know that smoking actually contributes to the buildup of plaque. So smokers are not only more likely to have bad breath, but also more teeth and gum problems. They have less saliva to protect them from halitosis as well.

Finally, we will encourage you to look for natural breath fresheners. You can chew on parsley or meant or even cinnamon sticks. Eating a grapefruit or an orange helps kill bacteria in your mouth and prevent bad breath. Flossing is a good idea to because it removes trapped food and gets your saliva flowing.

You may even want to ask a close friend or family member, do I ever have bad breath? You may be surprised to hear that halitosis is frequent. If you have frequent halitosis, it could be linked to a health condition like severe allergies and sinusitis, bronchitis, systemic problems, or even good old stress. If you have halitosis frequently and you are taking good care of your mouth and teeth, you should check with your doctor or dentist to determine the root cause of the problem.

As your New York City endodontist, we appreciate clients who take care of their mouth and breath. Our endodontists share these tips to help you avoid this embarrassing condition. A healthy mouth is a happy mouth – and the people around you will be happier too.