Discover the Telltale Signs That Indicate a Root Canal is Needed


Did you know that over 15 million root canal treatments are performed each year in the United States alone? Root canals are a common dental procedure, but identifying the signs that indicate the need for one can be unique to each individual.

Let’s delve into the causes and symptoms of tooth infections that may require a root canal. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s crucial to contact your dentist or endodontist here at Fifth Avenue Endodontics right away to schedule an examination.

The Culprits Behind Tooth Root Infections

When it comes to dealing with infected tooth pulp, root canal treatment has proven to be highly effective. These infections are typically caused by two major factors: damage to the tooth’s structure that allows bacteria to enter or advanced decay that reaches the inner parts of the tooth. Various symptoms may indicate such an infection.

Recognizing the Signs That a Root Canal is Needed

Persistent tooth pain: Healthy teeth shouldn’t cause pain. If you’re experiencing constant or recurring tooth pain, it’s important to promptly visit your dental provider for further evaluation.

Gum boil or pimple: Dying tissues within the tooth can lead to a buildup of fluid beneath the gum surface, resulting in a painful boil. If it bursts, the fluid may have an unpleasant taste and odor.

Swollen gums: Even without a visible gum boil, swollen and tender gums near the infected tooth may be a sign of an underlying issue. The swelling can come and go, so don’t dismiss it if it temporarily subsides.

Sensitivity to heat and cold: An infected tooth can react with pain or sensitivity to hot or cold substances, even long after consumption. This sensation can range from sharp pain to a dull ache.

Loose tooth: The acidic waste produced by the tooth infection can weaken the surrounding bone, causing the affected tooth to feel loose within your mouth.

Discoloration: Severely infected teeth may appear darker than usual due to a poor blood supply to the roots.


Clearly, it’s challenging to self-diagnose the need for a root canal without a comprehensive dental examination. If you’re experiencing one or more of these symptoms, we urge you to schedule an appointment now for an official diagnosis.

Put your oral health first and uncover the signs that could point to a necessary root canal.